Press and recognition

I was Member of The Month at the Type Director’s Club, and get interviewed by Elizabeth Carey-Smith. May 2018

I was interviewed by Liron Lavi Turkenich for the Alphabettes website. May 2018

I answered some questions about font licensing for the Bauertypes blog, from Barcelona (in Spanish). January 2018 

I was interviewed by Diego Maldonado for the Entreletras Podcast (in Portuguese). September 2017

Two of my projects — Letterpress Reloaded and Jamelão Sound System — were selected for the 12th Brazilian Graphic Design Biennial (Bienal ADG). August 2017

Print Magazine chose to include me in their Women of Words feature, which showcases “10 of the most talented female creatives living & breathing letters today”, for their Summer 2017 Special Typography Issue. July 2017

Some of my work has been featured in the book 365Typo Vol. 2, edited by Linda Kudrnovská and published in association with the Association Typographique Internationale (ATypI). September 2016

Bligh is selected for Typographica’s Best Typefaces of 2015. May 2016

Bligh is selected as part of the Brazilian Graphic Design Biennial (Bienal ADG). October 2015

speaking, teaching and Other news

I am a speaker at TypeWknd 2020, with a talk called Type and branding: finding a common vocabulary. September 2020 

Pictorama studio, in Rio de Janeiro, invited me to give a talk about type design. March 2018

I gave an introductory workshop on type for reading in Rio de Janeiro. March 2018

I have been invited by the wonderful Victoria Rushton to be a guest on her upcoming online course “Making Typeface Families”, organised by the School of Visual Arts, New York.

I was a moderator in a panel about type design at DiaTipo São Paulo 2015. The panelists were Jean-François Porchez, Pablo Cosgaya, Marconi Lima and Bruno Mello.

I was a panelist at the ICTVC conference in Thessaloniki about collaborative practices in type design, alongside Liron Lavitur, Bianca Berning, Laura Meseguer and Alessia Mazzarella. It also received some nice praise from Gerry Leonidas here. July 2016

Things I wrote

Typographica’s Favorite Typefaces of 2019: Brucker
Typographica, December 31 2020

Little Moments of Community
Alphabettes, December 2020

Typographica’s Favorite Typefaces of 2017: Atahualpa
Typographica, October 18 2018

Corsair and Conductor: a co-showcase
Alphabettes, January 2018

Dear Alphabettes, when an author says they’ve written a book, don’t they mean they wrote a text? Alphabettes, August 2017

Fonts from the future
Alphabettes, March 2017

Greetings from London
Alphabettes, August 2016

Luisa Loves Rio’s Old Acrylic Signs
Alphabettes, February 2016

'Bettes Live Recap
Alphabettes, December 2015

A review of the book 365Typo
Alphabettes, November 2015

Dalton Maag visits the Type Archive
Dalton Maag blog, March 3 2015